Our Values

Our Values

Anistemi Publishing supports & publishes student writers with a desire to glorify God with their words.

We are a safe community where young writers (ages 10-18) can explore their creativity and refine their craft with God-honoring content, Christian courses, professional mentorship, networking events, publishing opportunities, and more!

Anistemi Publishing recognizes that young writers ARE writers, already exercising their God-given voice. If you know you want to write professionally, don't waste precious time in English courses that divorce learning about writing from the work of actually BECOMING a writer. American economist W. Edwards Deming rightly said, "It's not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best."

Our professional writing mentors prioritize understanding the individual calling, core message, voice, and style of each writer. Then, we help each writer determine exactly what to do to grow, refine, and power up the message God has knitted into their heart and mind. This isn't your average English class because we honor the value of God-given destiny and do all work with that calling foremost in mind. 

Students of Anistemi build author platforms, establish a network of like-minded colleagues, clarify core messages, refine branding, and build professional portfolios and resumes—while gaining the skillsets that set them apart in the real-world publishing market. Our students also receive exclusive access to insider publishing opportunities. Don't merely study writers: become the best writer you were created to be.