Why Write When You Can Text?

Why Write When You Can Text?

Explore why writing matters (beyond just being awesome and creative) in this somewhat sarcastic call to action from Janie Barbosa, Anistemi Publishing's Founder & CEO.

Why Write When You Can Text?

SRSLY[1]!!! Why do teachers insist on proper grammar?! Nobody even talks like that anymore, IYKWIM[2]. Hold on a second… R U[3] even sure of what UR[4] saying anymore? Admit it. At one time or another you’ve found yourself right, smack in the middle of one of those awkward texting moments when no one’s quite sure what’s going on anymore (or worse somebody is now mad at someone else because of a simple miscommunication). While there is an undeniable convenience to it, text has quickly evolved into a language of its own, but I submit to you that it is an inferior language, one that limits full expression. Unchecked by a solid grasp of the English language, texting will lead to frustrated individuals and an easily controlled society.

Think I’m being overly dramatic? I’m not. Consider the following quote from Susan Wise Bauer, co-author of The Well-Trained Mind:

"Since self-expression is one of the greatest desires of adolescence, high-school students should have training in the skills of rhetoric[5] so that they can say, clearly and convincingly, what's on their minds. Without these skills, the desire for self-expression is frustrated. Expression itself becomes inarticulate. External objects- clothing, jewelry, tattoos, hairstyles- assume an exaggerated value as the clearest forms of self-expression possible."

Consider how well our society proves the author’s point. All around us are examples of individuals taking these object-based forms of expression to the extreme. That’s not to say there is anything wrong with the objects or styles themselves. However, what happens when a young person fails to align themselves with one of the highly visible molds? They are harassed about their failure to identify. How does this relate to the ability to communicate effectively? Many current news headlines direct our attention to the relationship. In extreme situations, bullied students with no outlet of expression eventually act out by inflicting harm to themselves or others. In less acute situations, they simply fold into themselves or succumb to a readily available escape, such as drug or alcohol abuse.

The good news is that there is another option! Most schools respond to the problem of increased bullying by setting up ant-bullying programs and education. They aim to extinguish the fire by making the public more aware of its existence, but is this the most effective approach to fighting the fire, or is it simply fanning the flames? Instead of attempting to sway all bullies over to the “light”, why not instead equip our youth with the ability to diffuse or control the situation themselves? Why not make it harder for bullies to find victims while also giving youth the skills necessary to be healthy, happy, contributing members of a strong society?!

Enter effective, confident, and creative communication skills. When a bully encounters a person who is able to defend themselves through speech and action, they quickly realize the fruitlessness of continued harassment. At this point, the reader may ask what speech and action have to do with competent writing skills. Examine some of the skills students must acquire in their quest to become proficient writers: the ability to recognize and express their claim, the ability to validate and support that claim with convincing evidence, using precise words to maintain the clarity of their argument, and speaking or writing in an objective tone so that logic, rather than emotion, compels the listener. Does this person sound like an easy target for bullies? Absolutely not! This sounds like a leader, a change agent, and a person prepared to exert their influence on the world instead of being trapped as a victim of it!

AFAIK[6], such clear, empowering, and world-changing use of language is not achievable through the abbreviated, limited, and enslaving art of texting. In fact, IMHO[7], such effective and convincing speech is an exclusive power of the individual who has benefited from a solid study of written language, complete with proper grammar and plenty of logic. So, do yourself a favor. Quit QQ[8], put down the iphone, and pick up that pencil and paper! Your decision to write today will keep you from becoming the victim tomorrow. Write to express. Write to be empowered. Write to change the world!


[2]If you know what I mean

[3]Are you


[5]The art of effective or persuasive speaking and writing

[6]As far as I know

[7]In my honest (or humble) opinion

[8]Crying (depicts two eyes with tears streaming from them and denotes a sarcastic tone)

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